Rafter Macaroni Casserole

Original source: K-Ruoka - Makaronilaatikko Koskenlaskijalla

Serves 4-5, 60-90 min

This is a beloved recipe in Finland, due to the “Koskenlaskija” (translates as Rafter, lol) processed cheese, known for its rich and strong taste.


  • Ground beef (17% fat): 400g (14 oz)

  • Onion: 1 medium

  • Tomato paste: 3 tbsp

  • Oregano: 1 tbsp

  • Water: 1.5l (6 1/3 cups)

  • Beef broth cubes: 2

  • Elbow macaroni: 400g (14 oz)

  • Processed cheese (strong): 150g (5.3 oz)

  • Black pepper


  1. Start by peeling and finely chopping the onion.

  2. In a pan, brown the ground beef in its own fat, then add the onion and let them soften.

  3. Mix in the tomato paste, oregano, and black pepper for seasoning.

  4. Boil the water, dissolve the beef broth cubes in it, and add the macaroni and beef-onion mixture. Let it cook for about 6 minutes.

  5. Cut the processed cheese into small pieces and blend it into the macaroni until completely melted.

  6. Pour the mixture into an ovenproof dish and bake at 200°C (392°F) for 45-60 minutes.


Allow it to rest covered for 10 minutes before serving. Enjoy!